Topic and Objectives

Verification techniques, such as model checking, and planning techniques have many commonalities. Planning and scheduling (P&S) systems are finding increased application in safety- and mission-critical systems that require a high level of assurance. Experience has shown that most errors are in domain models, which can be inconsistent, incomplete or inaccurate models of the target domains. However tools and methodologies for verification and validation (V&V) of P&S systems have received relatively little attention. The objective of this workshop is to maintain an interaction between the V&V and P&S communities, to identify specialized and innovative V&V tools and methodologies that can be applied to P&S. Topics of interest include: V&V of domain models, using technologies such as static analysis, theorem proving, and model checking; consistency and completeness of domain models; domain model coverage metrics; regression, stress and boundary testing; runtime verification of plan executions; generation of robust plans; compositional verification of domain models; how to structure domain models which are more amenable to static analysis; inspection methods; the relationship between timed automata and domain models; investigations of the impact wrt. V&V of procedural versus declarative plan models; etc. The first VVPS workshop was held with ICAPS in 2005 in Monterey, California:

Submission and publication:

There are two types of submissions: short position statements and regular papers. Position papers are a maximum of two pages. Regular papers are a maximum of 10 (ten) pages. Papers will be printed as a hard-copy hand-out, and workshop findings and a workshop report will be published on the workshop website. All papers should be typeset in the AAAI style, described at

An attempt will be made to publish the best papers in a journal after the workshop.

Important Dates

Program Chairs

Program Committee

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